Eurotrip Day 4. Fermo and femme fatale exhibition in Marche,central Italy

This is  what I have been looking for during this Eurotrip. Unknown and unpopular places where I could discover, explore and get a grip on how the casual day in a different part of the world looks like. My visit to Fermo, a small town in central part of italian province Marche, was so pleasant thanks... Continue Reading →

Aberystwyth. Definite chapter closure.

My stay in Aberystwyth has come to an end. It was a really fruitful time despite the stress and the fact that I had to deal with collection of my things, arranging deliveries, closing bank accounts, so one and so forth. I have met up with few friends and to my surprise coincided to see... Continue Reading →

Prayer for November.

Exactly a year ago I put into words a very obvious truth and I wish I were smarter this year: "Waiting and patience are skills. Many things that seem to be illogical at this moment will become more clear once you give up trying to resolve them immediately and move forward. Solutions come with time... Continue Reading →

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