Why do I feel like a savage ?

I have neglected the art of writing for far too long and I realized how dearly I missed it just today. Especially in the times where my schedule is packed or being overloaded become a daily routine, I understand how much of a hectic life I enrolled myself in. I keep reminding myself that this... Continue Reading →

Don’t put a period where God puts the comma- the summer in a nutshell.

I have neglected the art of writing and the power of words for the last couple of months, which was frankly said, easily noticeable here. Not that I am trying to justify myself anyhow, but especially last four months were very intense and filled with many unexpected events and situations. Some of them indeed left... Continue Reading →

O wolności w miłości – i o tym dlaczego rzucanie się na hamburgera szkodzi zdrowiu

Prawdopodobnie poniższy tekst będzie jednym z niewielu w języku polskim. Czasem zapytana, dlaczego piszę zazwyczaj w obcym języku, odpowiadam, że to dlatego,  że jest mi łatwiej. Częściowo jest to uwarunkowane tym, że stosunkowo długo nie napisałam niczego w języku polskim , a język angielski stał się moją główną formą ekspresji. Istnieje jednak inny powód. Pisanie... Continue Reading →

Sunday catharsis off the beaten track

This weekend was exclusively enriching out of two reasons. First, because I finally decided to wake up out of the winter lethargy and move my butt to start discovering places and do more creative things with my life. Second, it was quite purifying emotionally.  I think we all have been in those places of our... Continue Reading →

The truths I saw in the mirror

Have you ever wondered why the human being is construed in such a way  that we cannot perceive ourselves in full shape. We cannot see our facial mimics when we speak, cannot see our reactions when we talk to other people, we cannot see how our body is behaving from a a distant perspective. Mirrors give this opportunity, that's why they're so tempting.

Værøy- Norway here I come!

Honestly, I have never expected the things to turn this way again. God's plans are surprising me the more I just let my imaginations and plans go. In the Scripture it is said that whoever wants to keep things, will lose them and whoever loses everything, will receive everything back. Maybe this is the key?... Continue Reading →

Cztery wesela i pogrzeb,czyli o owocach Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego

Na początku chciałam rozpocząć ten wpis od opowiedzenia Wam o owocach tegorocznego Wielkiego Postu i Okresu Wielkanocnego, ale doświadczenia duchowe ostatnich tygodni i przede wszystkim dni Triduum sprawiły, że wpis będzie dotyczył czegoś innego.  Chyba wszyscy kojarzymy taki film "Cztery wesela i pogrzeb" w roli głównej z Hugh Grantem, klasyczny rom-com bez zbytniego zachwytu, ale tytuł... Continue Reading →

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